Tips to Stay Healthy and Fit amidst the pandemic

June 07, 2022 2 min read

As the weather is getting hotter, it is important to stay hydrated, healthy and keep yourself fit! Read on to find out more on tips to stay fit and lead a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Drink 7-8 glasses of water daily

Staying hydrated is essential and important, especially in Singapore’s hot and humid weather all year long! You may burn more calories through drinking plenty of water daily, which may reduce your appetite, reducing the risk of weight gain overtime. 

  1. Exercise regularly

Make time to exercise at least once a week, even if it’s just a brisk walk or stroll, it counts too! There are many options for you, from home workouts, spinning, yoga/ pilates, jogging, running, to gymming, you may start with one that you are most comfortable with! 

Tip: Get a workout buddy and you will be more motivated to workout together, achieving your fitness goals together!


  1. Get sufficient rest and sleep

Sufficient rest and sleep is often overlooked, especially with many of us being night owls. Lack of sleep can result in serious health problems, and lack of motivation and energy for the next day. 

It is important to have at least 7-8 hours of sleep per day for us to be fully recharged and rejuvenated for our commitments the following day. Be it studying or working, having sufficient rest and sleep definitely helps to get through the day with a energised and positive mind.



  1. Maintain a positive mindset

Start each day fresh, with a new and positive mindset. Each day is a brand new chance for you to accomplish something that you aim to do and achieve in the long run. The right energy and mindset can greatly affect your mental health and how you deal with difficulties and challenges in life. 

  1. Leisure activities

It’s ok to take a break and make time for your hobbies/ leisure activities that you are interested in. Spend a day or half a day doing leisure activities such as cafe hopping, visiting museums, theme park, tourist attractions and any other activity that is of interest to you! 


Have a well-deserved break to recharge and rejuvenate your energy. It will definitely aid you in feeling more energetic and lively the next day!



We hope that you will adopt one of these tips in your daily life and we hope that this helps you in leading a healthier and fruitful life amidst the pandemic!